FAQ / Accounts & Billing / Can I use my Algolia account with multiple domains, sites, or applications?

Can I use my Algolia account with multiple domains, sites, or applications?

The current plans (released on July 1, 2020) no longer require separate licenses for each domain or legal entity. You can use one plan across any number of sites, platforms, and legal entities.

Legacy plans

Some legacy plans (before July 1, 2020) require a separate license or plan for each domain and legal entity. Please refer to your service order or contact support@algolia.com if you are unsure of your plan’s requirements.

The domain limitation applies to websites with the same domain, but different subdomains. For example, Algolia considers a website URL in the format aaa.bbb.com as a different domain than both ddd.bbb.com and aaa.bbb.co.uk.

Mobile apps associated with a domain don’t require a separate license.

If you have an application that supplements a domain, Algolia doesn’t consider this as a new domain. For example, Algolia considers an e-commerce website and a related mobile app as a single domain. This also applies for voice and chatbot applications.

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