Guides / Solutions / Ecommerce

This guide uses an outdated version of Autocomplete. Algolia recommends using Autocomplete v1 instead.

To migrate from v0 to v1, please refer to the upgrade guide.

Autocomplete is a UX pattern that’s commonly implemented in a search box. As someone enters a search query, autocomplete software starts suggesting completed versions of the phrase to help the user refine their search results.

These solutions show you how to take full advantage of Algolia’s tools and features. With features like the Autocomplete library, Query Suggestions, Rules, Personalization, Voice, and multi-index searching, you can build a best-in-class autocomplete experience for your site’s users. These various implementation approaches show how you can use autocomplete to enrich the user experience and make it more engaging.

Animated placeholder

Draw your users’ attention to the search bar by mimicking the effect of typing queries.

Facilitate product discovery by allowing searching of multiple data sources with a single query and interface.

Predictive text suggestions

Suggest related searches near the search bar to give users shortcuts to the information they want.

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