Guides / Solutions / Content navigation

Content carousels is a UX pattern that’s popular on landing pages. Carousels organize recommended items in themed rows in a grid layout. Streaming service sites like Netflix use this pattern. Movie and TV show seekers can scan rows of recommended titles that are curated and arranged based on editorial content and their preferences.

These solutions show you how to take full advantage of Algolia’s tools and features. With features like InstantSearch, Rules, Personalization, and multi-index searching, you can build a best-in-class user experience. Check out these different implementation approaches to see how you can enrich your user experience and create a more personalized and engaging site.

Static content carousels

Divide search results into rows, where each row displays a different category like most popular or trending items.

Dynamic content carousels

Divide search results into rows, where each row displays a different category like most popular or trending items. This version enables you to control the list of carousels from the dashboard, with no need to recode.

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